
7/24/2020 News

By July 24, 2020 August 17th, 2020 No Comments


The SUPS Board of Directors hopes that this message finds all of you well and in good health. We are all anxious to get things rolling again with our monthly matches and getting together with our likeminded friends.

I apologize as it has been 6 weeks since our last communication letter.  We (SUPS Board) continues to work with the County to help move things along as quickly as possible, but the wheels only move so fast.

Berm Work

The official completion date is still September, but it looks like there is 2-3 more weeks of work left based on the pictures.  When it is done, we will have awesome bays in a best in class range.


Aside from the berm work completion, a new lease will need to be signed before we can occupy the range.   The County is securing inputs from various ranges and will base the lease on how others are run.  We will have an opportunity for inputs only after the lease has been approved for presentation to us by the Commissioners. We don’t expect to have major issues with the lease terms and if we do, we feel that we can negotiate them to a win-win for both the County and SUPS.  I hope to have good news in the August update.

We can’t wait to see you all, to start shooting our matches again at SUPS!

Stay Healthy and Stay Safe!

Best Regards,

Glen Wong